How to Touch Up Faded Purple Hair

Bright semi-permanent dyes and dry shampoo

– Bright, semi-permanent dyes fade after a few washes, but dry shampoo can extend their vibrancy.

Color Depositing Products

– Use a color-depositing conditioner to revive your faded purple hair.

– These conditioning formulas can help maintain vibrant hues between salon visits.

Curling Your Hair

– Wavy or curly styles enhance the beauty of purple hair.

– Pastel tones look great on darker hair colors and complement natural skin tones.

Changing Your Haircut

– Curling can add volume and hide patchy areas in long purple hair.

– Protective styles like braids or high puffs can help maintain the color longer.

Changing Your Shampoo

– Consider using a color-depositing shampoo to maintain the purple hue.

– This type of shampoo reduces brassiness and keeps the color vibrant.

Using a clarifying shampoo or nourishing product

– Dish soap can fade purple hair quickly, but it may cause dryness and brittleness if overused.

– Use a clarifying shampoo with nourishing oils and amino acids to keep hair healthy and soft.