Tips For Dying My Hair White

Maintaining White Hair

Anyone can achieve white hair, not just the Queen of the Dragons or aged wizards. Regular deep conditioning treatments and hair masks are essential to keep your white locks healthy and free of brassy yellow tones.


It’s essential to be cautious when bleaching your hair, as bleach can cause harm. For best results and minimal damage, seek professional help from an experienced colorist and follow the product instructions carefully. Avoid leaving the bleach on longer than recommended, and refrain from multiple processes in one day (over-processing). Instead, opt for shorter sessions with breaks in between to give your hair time to rest.

Approved at-home hair lighteners or baking soda and hydrogen peroxide mixtures may reduce the processing required, but it will take longer. It may need multiple bleaching processes to achieve a platinum blonde color.

Natural Dyes

Lemon juice is another natural option for dyeing hair, but the results will take longer than henna. Applying lemon juice repeatedly can lighten your hair color without harmful chemicals.

Toners can also help maintain a white hue, but remember that its intensity may fade with each wash, requiring regular reapplication.


Preparing for a hair dyeing session involves planning and scheduling events that end around your estimated completion time.

Ensure you have all the necessary items for dyeing, including latex gloves (available at beauty supply stores), any kind of gloves, and a towel or color cape to protect your shoulders from potential drips or runs.

Before your dyeing session, limit how often you wash your hair to prevent the color from fading quickly. Deep conditioning your hair before dyeing can also help prolong the color’s effect.