Best Short Hairstyles 2020

No need to settle for an uninspiring short haircut when you can transform the style with just a few strategic moves at the barber. Consult your barber for one of the top short haircuts in 2020; this military-inspired hairstyle works exceptionally well if your hair is thinned or bald.

High and Tight

This modern variation on the classic high and tight haircut adds visual interest with its slight curve on top, creating an elegant and polished appearance perfect for men who wish to maintain a professional image while still expressing their individuality and personal style. Curly-haired individuals will also appreciate this look as it allows their natural textures to show through while still creating a polished and tidy manner. As with all short haircuts, make sure your barber knows precisely how long you would like both sides and the back of your head to be before scheduling an appointment for this haircut. This style is also ideal for men with thinned-out locks as its shaved sides help conceal receding hairlines and instantly create a more masculine appearance. If you want an added flair, request from your stylist a fade or hard part in front of your locks for added flair.

The Butch

The Butch wears plaid flannel shirts and treats every hike like an adventure. She is a naturalist, likely owning an animal that resembles an alpha predator despite living in a city environment. Furthermore, The Butch knows how to change a tire and is passionate about hunting season; therefore, she would be the ideal person to consult for personalized recommendations. This butch loves the beach, often sporting a sun tan and salt spray-sprayed, slightly spiky hairstyle. She’s one of the few butches we know who can proudly wear a bikini. Historical depictions of butches typically show them as tragic figures, often marginalized from society and victims of violence. While that image persists to some extent, butch women can now be found everywhere, from media depictions (Orange Is The New Black and Allison Bechdel’s Fun Home) to local queer events like Butch, Please! and women’s dances. Butch women wear many hats, inhabit traditionally male spaces, and take on jobs usually undertaken by men – not all hunters, hikers, or tire changers but all part of an intricate web of femme/butch subcultures that coexist.

The Caesar

Daniel Caesar made a comeback one year after the release of “Freudian,” expanding upon R