Bakugou and Your Hair

Bakugou grabbed your wrist, forcing you to release your hair tie with shock and amazement. His eyes lit up.

Bakugou’s Personality and Abilities

Bakugou stands out among Class 1A as one of the brightest students, adeptly assessing people and quickly understanding their personalities. He also displays a keen ability to plan and execute attacks during battle. Bakugou’s unique personality has proven to be an ideal partner for Deku Izuku. Once rivals, the two now form an effective team.

hair Texture and Bakugou’s Admiration

Bakugou had always admired your natural afro hairstyle. He never imagined you were self-conscious about it, so he rushed to your room and pulled you close, inviting you to rest against his chest. As he ran his fingers through your curls, he felt increasingly anxious. You shook your head in frustration while trying to control unruly locks. Kiara was the perfect combination of you and Bakugou; she shared your warm glow, red-hued eyes, and infectious smile. Kiara even had your unique hair texture; you ran your fingers through it when cuddling at night – something which gave you so much comfort; no one could deny your bond.

hair Color and Bakugou’s Change

Bakugou had long, dark hair that he kept pulled back in a messy bun before becoming a professional and once professionalized. However, he decided to dye his locks while – not wanting to lose his “bad boy” image but proud of how great his new look looked. As soon as he saw your dissatisfied expression, Bakugou began screaming loudly and desperately, trying to brush out any gray gunk from his blond locks with his fingers. Kirishima awakened from his sleep to see what was going on, and you and Bakugou ended up fighting over the color choice – especially since Bakugou yanked your hair around and caused its roots to take on an entirely different hue than the rest of his locks – dissatisfying him and trying desperately to correct it himself.

Hair Style and Bakugou’s Signature Look

Bakugou’s signature look consists of striking, iconic bangs that complement his exuberant nature and make an impression among his peers. His striking hair makes an immediate statement about him. Anime characters tend to pay special attention to their hair. A long straight ponytail conveys strength and determination, while short spiky locks may show aggression or violence. One of Bakugou’s most distinctive features is his unique orange hair. While his initial waves were shorter, after his training arc, they began growing longer as part of an attempt to teach him to control his impulsive nature and achieve hero status – an aim which ultimately proved successful as one of Bakugou and Midoriya have settled their volatile rivalry and now work together as one team.

Hair Care and Bakugou’s Pride

Bakugou took great pride in his hair. He would make sure it stayed moisturized and was particularly fond of how his daughter looked with long, straight locks that caught people’s eyes – something which annoyed him greatly when people began paying more attention to her than expected. Kirishima follows Mrs. Bakugou as she leads him past rows of sinks and into what appears to be a small beauty salon. Kirishima does not show how uncomfortable he feels as they pass other customers receiving hair treatments from employees and watches them treat Mrs. Bakugou with great respect. Kirishima finds this entirely different from how she treated him at the UA sports festival or by Best Jeanist. While Kirishima may still not know if she cares for him, he must let this go and trust in what she says about themselves.