A Bad Fade Haircut Can Ruin Your Whole Look

An inaccurate fade haircut can devastate your appearance and may prove difficult to correct due to how quickly hair grows back. Fades require skill and precision, but , they can become noticeable incorrectly. There are some simple things you can do to help your barber achieve the fade you desire.

Unblended Fade

As there are multiple approaches to creating any fade hairstyle – be it low, medium, high, or taper fade – there are numerous methods for accomplishing it. Barbers sometimes get carried away when using their clippers, creating an unappealing or even downright fade effect. Mistakenly blending different lengths on the head is one of the most frequent fade mistakes. To avoid this blunder, always inform your barber you want a gradual fade haircut, and ask them to use a more extended guard to reduce bulk so the fade starts at an appropriate level.

Excessive Spikes

Although fades can look great on many men, they must never lead to unnatural spikes that make you appear unprofessional. If this occurs to you, find a stylist who specializes in expertly blending different lengths of your hair for an overall natural and seamless appearance; additionally, use matte clay pomade to keep those baby hairs in place.

High Fade Line

Skin fade haircuts for men have become one of the most sought-after styles, as they accentuate facial features while lengthening head shape. However, if your fade line extends too high on your scalp, this could result in an unnatural and unpleasant look. Another common misstep barbers make is cutting fades too short. Your fade should begin at the top of your ears and flow smoothly with your longer locks; this is especially important if you have thin or sparse hair or want to avoid looking like a fauxhawk.

Uneven Fade Lines

Haircuts can be challenging to repair when cut improperly, especially if the fade is uneven. There are several practical solutions available for rectifying an irregular fade:

Uneven Graduation

A good fade should blend and camouflage any hair growing around the sides of your head without looking unnatural or messy. A skilled barber should be able to fade your hair without leaving unappealing lines, so finding one who knows this craft properly is essential. A poor fade can leave you looking unprofessional, especially when your hair begins to grow back out with an obvious fade line or an unwanted rat tail from an incorrect low or zero fade cut incorrectly; these mistakes should be avoided at all costs!