Natural Dark Auburn Hair

Natural dark brown hair is a versatile shade that looks stunning on all skin tones, including those with fair complexions and blue eyes. Celebrities like Emma Stone and Amy Adams sport subtle red hues that complement their fair face and blue eyes.

Color Retention Tips

For optimal color retention, follow these tips:

– Aim to wait 2-3 days between washes.

– Use products for colored hair, such as sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner.

– Cool the water when washing to help maintain color vibrancy.

Warm Tones

Auburn’s warm tones suit most skin tones:

– Pale skin looks best with light red shades like strawberry blonde or copper.

– Medium skin tones may prefer darker reds like mahogany.

– Darker skin tones can wear scarlet and cherry red hues for maximum effect.

Opt for a rich chili-inspired red for an exciting splash of color.

Honey Auburn Balayage

Honey auburn balayage offers a classic and warm-toned auburn shade, perfect for those with naturally brown hair. The natural gradation of color makes this hue perfect for creating natural-looking results.

Cool Tones

Copper shades provide an earthier take on auburn, creating a rich, earthy look. Copper tones pair beautifully with fair complexions, adding depth to tanned skin tones.

Reddish Brown

Reddish brown is an elegant hue for brunettes with cool or neutral skin tones. Its warm undertones flatter the complexion, while the deep, ash-brown base brings depth.


Auburn hues come in various tones, making it easier than ever to find one that matches your complexion. Celebrities like Doja Cat and Jorja Smith showcase different ways to incorporate auburn into their looks.

An Autumn Balayage

An autumn balayage combines a dark brown base with honey-blonde highlights, suitable for all skin tones. Subtle lowlights can be added for added depth and sensuality.

Easy To Maintain

Auburn brown is an eye-catching hue that can be maintained with proper care. Using a color-lock shampoo and limiting heat treatments can help preserve its vibrancy.

Balayage or Ombre Highlights

Adding balayage or ombre highlights creates multi-tonal effects that flatter your complexion and simplify maintenance.

Consult a Professional Stylist

For help finding your ideal shade of red hair and getting expert advice on at-home care, consult with a professional stylist. They can recommend the best hue based on your natural coloring and offer tips to prolong its vibrancy.